Hot Topics at NAESP: Recommended Reading & Presentations to Attend

July 7, 2014 Margo Ensz

The National Association of Elementary School Principals's (NAESP) annual conference is just around the corner! This is such an incredible conference due in some ways to the organization's committent to best practices in schools. As they put it, "When it comes to defining the future of elementary school education, it only happens here." There are eight focus areas this year, four of which are topics we are passionate about and often cover in our blog and which visuals and visual learning can play a vital role. If you are attending the conference, perhaps these will give you some food for thought on the way to Nashville! We've also listed a few presentations in each category that we have been eyeing.

Be sure to stop by our booth (#532) to say hello, learn more about our visual learning tools, and enter to win an awesome prize (plus walk away with a brand new poster just because we like you). Add us to your expo plan and follow us on Twitter for live updates!

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Common Core

7 Anchor Charts for ELA Common Core Standards

Focusing on Common Core: English Language Learners

Talks to watch:

The Dynamic Classroom in the Common Core Era, Jill Pugh, July 10th 8a-9:30a

How to Lead the Common Core to Routine Practice in EVERY Classroom, Judy Carr, July 8th and 9th 9a-4p (2-day workshop)

School Culture

School Environment & Culture and Bullying Prevention (interactive PDF)

From Culture To Character: Ways to Increase Student Attendance

Building Character Through Student Recognition

Talks to watch:

Preventing Bullying: Specific Strategies and Systematic Approaches, Catherine Bradshaw, July 9th 9a-4p

QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking, Susan Cain, July 11th 10:15-11:30a

Rebranding Your School? Innovative Practices to to Improve School Culture and Achievement, Thomas Garner, July 11th 3:15-4:45p

Achievement Gap

Policy and a Pint: The State of Education

Presentations to attend:

Challenges and Opportunities: Why Poverty Matters and What Schools Must Do, Tammy Pawloski, July 10th 1p-2:30p

Flipping Professional Learning to Impact Student Achievement, Joseph Kramer, July 11th 8a-9:30a


Students Develop Career Skills with In-House Technology

Visual Learning Technology and Differentiated Instruction 

Talks to watch:

Technopalooza: Celebrating the Integration of Technology to Increase Student Achievement for All Learners, Carrie Buck, July 11th 1-3p

The Innovative Administrator, James Richardson, July 11th 1-2:30p

Using Social Media to Tell Your School's Story and Create Your Brand, Tony Sinanis, July 12th 8-10a


What are you most excited for at NAESP 2014? Let us know in the comments or tweet at us @VariQuest

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