[Lesson Plan] Social-Emotional Learning for Elementary Students: Belonging

September 27, 2022 VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite

What is a sense of community? The feeling of belonging and mattering to a group.

Connection is something we all want. Feeling connected to people, to places, and to things feels important - but perhaps more important is feeling like you're personally part of a bigger picture. In the classroom, it's not just making friends, it's connecting the entire group together. In the school, it's not just connecting the grade levels together, but connecting the older kids with the younger kids, encouraging role models and leadership.

When students feel connected to their class and their school, they feel a sense of safety and belonging when entering the building. When students are genuinely connected to their teachers, there is mutual trust and respect.

In this bonus installment of our social-emotional learning unit series, we spark discussion among students about how we can all be more inclusive, and make everyone feel like they belong.

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